Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So Bored!!!!

Today was a crappy day. Bored to death and don't feel the greatest. The lack of social interaction is starting to get old. I need to get back to work, if for nothing else than to satisfy my need to socialize and feel useful. I'm not super comfortable on my crutches and I get tired easily on them. Should have definitely gotten into better shape before enduring this, but it's too late for that now. Probably would get better with the practice, but the thing about practicing is that I'm not real good yet, so one wrong fall and I could screw up my foot. That is not an option. I should be getting my knee scooter on Saturday or Monday, depending on when it gets shipped. I am hoping that helps me a lot and makes it a lot easier to get around safely and more comfortably.

This is definitely one of those days that no matter how I sit or lay or anything, I can't get comfortable. These days seem to be occurring more and more often and it's really driving me nuts. Any sleep I do get seems light and unfulfilling. I fall asleep and I'm cool, and I wake up super warm, with sweat dripping from my face and neck. Hoping this is part of the healing process, but also hoping it ends soon. If nothing else these two videos always cheer me up.

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